

Imagine … night without moon or stars … darkness
Without spirit or life…expecting…waiting…
Wanting…endless desire of belonging…

Sadness, anger, pain, or loneliness…
Too far…too close
Endless nights…waiting
Not being…existing…

Imagine never belonging…
Watching from afar…
Never the favorite, friend, desired, beloved…

Attraction or rejection…
Instincts, hormones, chemicals, soul, or experience…
Families or relationships…
Listen, share …Have or need…

Imagine existence without life…
Being without being…
Automatic movements or actions…

Maturity or acceptance,
Unexplained attraction….
Burning with emotions and desires
Never to be shared or wanted…

Imagine without feelings..
Emotionless, hours, days, months, years…
Yearning for something that never comes…

Yearning to be awaken, discovered, explored…
…lonely quiet day…full of thoughts
Deep sadness… longing… Imagine…